Saturday, February 6, 2010

Top 10 Ways to Not Give Someone Your Phone Number

10. Tell him you're not supposed to talk to strangers

9. Give out a fake number

8. Receive a text message at that time from your friend beckoning you to the bar immediately--it cannot wait another 5 seconds.

7. Ask for his and tell him you'll call (you won't)

6. Tell him it's on Facebook (and then make sure it's not)

5. "Sorry, I don't do that."

4.The old tried and true--I have a boyfriend.

3. BIYYYEEEEEEE (this will not only work, it will confuse him)

2. Don't give the boy your name...

1. So when he asks for your phone number you can tell him he won't even know who he's calling so it really doesn't matter

Boy: Hey we should be BBM friends
Me: No, because then you'd have to know my name

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