Tuesday, January 4, 2011

challenge #3: getting it together

I guess this set of challenges is something that has no common thread, but falls into the category of lifestyle. Basically, I want to start living my life right, which while it incorporates all the challenges, rests on the extent to which I live from day to day.

1. Practice more than just good hygiene.

Before anyone gets grossed out, I have good hygiene. I have perfect teeth, shower daily and generally work to be a clean person (more than that, dirty and smelly people freak me out). However, for the fact that I have gone 21 years with no cavities, braces, or major oral surgeries, I have never practiced a regular flossing routine. And it has come around to haunt me. Additionally, I have out of control hair, and often find myself wanting to just put it up and not take the time to make it look presentable. This makes me feel less than clean, and often I end up showering again to correct it which is just bad for your hair. So this year I want to floss every day and make myself look presentable every day.

2. Clean your room.
About every 2 weeks I realize that I can't live in my room anymore (normally it's because I need to study and would rather clean than study). But this year I resolve to put all my clothes away (unfortunately that starts with unpacking everything I took to New Orleans), find places for everything, downsize, and most importantly, make my bed every day. Without a doubt, this will be the hardest resolution for me to keep.

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