This is absolutely a ridiculous thing to write about. But I've dedicated so much brain power to it over the past few days, I can't help but NOT share my story with the world. So they can all know that I am insane.
One of my coworkers has a stocked candy dish always. It's awesome. She even makes the effort to invest in holiday-representative candy (did you all know that york patties are hearts for valentine's day????). One of the office's all time favorites are the jellybeans. Not just any jelly beans, but STARBURST JELLYBEANS. Basically like a smaller version of the best candy ever, that you feel less bad about eating a ton of.
Based on my mild to medium OCD, I can only eat jellybeans 2 at a time of the same flavor (or my mouth will be uneven...yes I'm sharing my neurotic feelings with the world, I'm not ashamed). Obviously I started with the, and for a while I would only eat the pink ones (also the most popular).
When I realized my first plight (running out of pink too quickly) I expanded my preferences to include red. Which, in all fairness, is super lame of me. Because they are basically pink.
So as time wore on, I got more adventurous (and let's be honest, more bored doing the same thing every day) so I took on purple. They were also delicious. So I now had 3 whole flavors I could choose from.
BUT I WANTED MORE. So a few weeks ago I added yellow in to my repertoire. It was a great decision because, no one likes purple or yellow.
However, throughout all of this, one major thing has plagued me. Everyone knows the basic starburst assortment - yellow, orange (ew), red and pink. So here lay before me, a bowl of jellybeans, sans orange (totally fine) but PLUS GREEN.
For months now (yes seriously, months) I have avoided the green jellybeans like the plague, assuming some sort of mint or tree or some other weird greenness. What could they possibly be?
So today...I took the leap...
And they're watermelon.
Now I can more haphazardly reach into the bowl and count by twos of all represented colors.
Happy Tuesday!
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